
A lying, hateful, cruel, mean, lame, NARP, ranking.

I Cannot Go To School Today

After Shel Silverstein’s Sick: I cannot go to school today, Said Dartmouth students in a fray. Wall Street Journal put us so low, My self esteem just took a blow. Of the best, we’re just…

A Reflection on ChatGPT

The presence of ChatGPT has been growing steadily in Attie Rimmel ‘25’s life.  “Well, I first used ChatGPT super minimally. Honestly, just to help me do background research for classes. But then I realized the…

New Update to Duo Push

To increase security on campus, SNS will now be requiring Duo Push, the two-factor authentication system students currently use to log in to Darthub and their email, in numerous other scenarios as well. “My orgo…

The Collis Meatball Disparity

This past year, Dartmouth removed student loan requirements for families making less than $125,000. This step has been praised as an important stride towards an equitable campus. However, students note it pales in comparison to…