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Category: The Collection

Radical Acquisitions: Carving Spaces for Queer Undocumented Artists at the Hood Museum

As a Mutual Learning Fellow in the Curatorial Department, one of the opportunities I have is to research and recommend acquisitions to the curatorial team. In keeping with the spirit of the fellowship—which encapsulates “learning by doing”—I dove right into…

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Connecting with the Collection: The Culture & Comfort of Ceramic Pillows

Recently, while going through art handling training (AKA becoming official art touchers), I found that there are a couple of Chinese ceramic pillows in the Hood Museum’s collection. For those not familiar with ceramic pillows, I can imagine how it…

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Adjusting the Database: An Appreciation of Arabic at the Hood Museum of Art

Since the 18th century, Dartmouth has acquired thousands of objects from around the world. From coins and kitchen utensils to clothes, these items are important reflections of the diversity of global culture. Upon its founding in 1985, the Hood Museum…

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Crafting Partnership: A Visit with the Sealaska Heritage Institute

In January 2021, Dr. Rosita Worl, president of the Sealaska Heritage Institute, invited the Hood Museum of Art to a virtual visit with her organization. Based in Juneau, the Sealaska Heritage Institute (SHI) perpetuates and enhances the Indigenous cultures of…

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