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Author: Maria Pellegrini

SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2015: “A novel caspase 8 selective small molecule potentiates TRAIL-induced cell death”

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Scientific Reports 5, Article number: 9893 doi:10.1038/srep09893 A novel caspase 8 selective small molecule potentiates TRAIL-induced cell death Octavian Bucur, Gabriel Gaidos, Achani Yatawara, Bodvael…

Biochemistry. 2014: “Protein Engineering of the N-terminus of NEMO: structure stabilization and rescue of IKKβ binding”

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Biochemistry. 2014 Nov 4;53(43):6776-85. doi: 10.1021/bi500861x. Epub 2014 Oct 23 Protein Engineering of the N-terminus of NEMO: structure stabilization and rescue of IKKβ binding. Guo B, Audu CO, Cochran JC, Mierke…