Community Development Projects

Latrine Project

On most of the CCESP trips the CD team assists community members with the construction of latrines for families in the community. Bridges to Community provides the local community members with a loan, in which community members must pay 15% of the total cost of the construction of the latrine. For more detailed information about BTC projects, listen to Apolinar Centeno’s Interview in the Oral History Project.

Here is a video that documents some of the process of building a latrine for a family in Fonseca on the CD team trip in 2013.

In 2015, members of the CD team assisted with constructing latrines in the community of Rosa Grande.



Water Project

On the CCESP trips in 2013 and 2014, the CD team worked with BTC staff and community members in Fonseca on the construction of a potable water project. The water project took five years from conception to full implementation and a number of different volunteer groups that BTC organized participated in the construction of the potable water system for the community of Fonseca. For more detailed information about BTC projects, listen to Apolinar Centeno’s Interview in the Oral History Project pages and Cipriano Centereno’s Interview  for additional information about the water project.

2013 CD Team Working
2013 CD Team Working