Category Archives: Parking
Robotic Parking
At the start of the 20th century, America had only 8,000 cars driving on 144 miles of paved road. At that time, most Americans who were fortunate enough to be working did so in the community in which they resided. … Continue reading
Congratulations Hartford – Supporting Transit!
The Town of Hartford recently received a municipal park and ride grant to construct a 48 vehicle parking lot on Route 5. The lot will have bike racks and a bus shelter and is located near Hartford High School, adjacent … Continue reading
Dartmouth’s Half Million Dollar TDM Programs
At the June Commuting Breakfast, Bill Barr presented Dartmouth’s package of transportation demand management programs to an employee-filled Alumni Hall. Feedback from the breakfast has encouraged Dartmouth’s parking and transportation committee to pursue additional programs for faculty, staff and students. Such new programs … Continue reading
A visit to Lebanon Planning Board
OPDC presented Dartmouth’s parking and transportation plans to a jam-packed Lebanon City Hall. The crowds were attibuted to Lebanon High School’s awards night and a very full Planning Board of agenda. We did use 30 minutes of the Board’s time to … Continue reading
Hanover PB hears DC’s parking & transportation plan
Late last night we presented an overview of Dartmouth’s parking and transportation plan to the Hanover Planning Board. We shared the general goals of the plan: To support the mission of the college; To create a more pedestrian-friendly campus; To … Continue reading
Cars, Bikes, Buses & People
On March 13th, a group of interested people met to talk about cars, transit, pedestrians, bikers in Hanover and the region. The Upper Valley Transportation Management Association (UVTMA) hosted “Traffic and Parking Problem Solving” session at the Howe. More than … Continue reading