- Update on Elections
- EPAC will not have any more info sessions, but we can appoint people.
- People can email Noah if they want to get involved.
- You have to officially say what position you want to apply for on Wednesday on the petition.
- Will post on the Facebook page that people interested should email Noah, and if a lot people want to we can go back to EPAC.
- Update on Gear
- Need to put together a catalog to get an order in hopefully by this week or next
- Items: PJ pants, fleeces, hoodies, t-shirts (long sleeve w/ image on the pocket), baseball caps (someone wanted a blanket?)
- Do we want something different on the back?
- Outline of the dorms on the back?
- Lone pine on the front and elm on the back?
- Fleeces and hoodies would be from the place that we ordered before. What sort of hat would we want: normal baseball cap, with the tree on the front and then say West House on the back.
- PJ pants can be found easily, maybe purple argyle or purple plaid and then get it embroidered.
- West House image does not count as a Dartmouth image.
- Each West House member can select one piece of gear
- People only garunteed an item this time if they actually fill out the form.
- Bartenders
- Once we get a list of people send the names to Joe Castelot and then he will schedule a class
- Spring Social Event?
- Offsite is too risky, won’t work.
- Idea: Barhop type of thing in the lounge here on a Friday night. The dean is fine with that.
- Food and music out on the patio (Webster side patio) during or right before Green Key. Block party because there is always one there on Webster so we would get people right there in the area, people could easily walk through. Morano’s cart sponsored by West House!
- Burgers and music?
- Would we want to play music or if we want to bring in a group? Live music
- Should we do a pub night? It’ll be hard to find a not when Collis won’t have something like that, maybe go for a Friday when they won’t be having one? Pub West.
- Get someone to play acoustic guitar? Board games, etc.
- Make sure we don’t compete with Collis After Dark
- Harvard and/or Yale Trip
- Only do one, two will be pretty hard. Do one this term and then one in the Fall.
- Harvard for this term?
- Go down over a Saturday night, or Saturday afternoon, stay the night and then Sunday night go to one of their HOCO meetings and come up right after dinner.
- Avoid Week 4 and 5 because those are midterms.
- Maybe go for the end of Week 3? Or go for the 21 and 22?