The meeting of April 21 consisted of the do’s and don’ts of information sessions and alumni relations. At the beginning of sophomore summer, banks will come to Dartmouth with many information sessions. Bank representatives will run school wide information sessions which will consist of larger presentations. The information session that occurs after an interview lasts only 10 or 15 minutes. The interview, however, is the real way recruiters remember you. Regardless of the situation, always put your best foot forward. Maintain strong eye contact, have a strong handshake, and ask smart questions. At the end of talking with someone, ask if they have a business card. Within a day or two, email them. Come up with some questions and ask about an informational interview.
This meeting was particularly helpful for its segment on informational interviews, which have always been an enigma to me. During the informational interview, ask about their personal experiences at the firm. Why banking? Why consulting? We learned that it’s important to do research on their company and ask questions on their day-to-day experiences. Use the great alumni network at Dartmouth to find out about what they do. Ask what they do and how they got into banking. They may note people who have reached out or who they have spoken to previously that have made an impression. This feedback will be extremely helpful as I continue my journey into the world of finance.
By Erin Mulrooney ‘17