Rethinking with Themes

The moment has come. Update! From the beginning of Remix, we’ve been thinking with themes. And now, in 2021, it’s time for a new theme. We’ve been told that Zenon Lite is retiring soon. Five years is a pretty good run. So, year six begins with a new look. There are a lot of new settings to learn, so we’ll probably to be tweaking away for a little while.

Before the changeover, we recorded some of the Zenon visuals for posterity.We also recorded the slider, although we’ll see how long the archiving lasts. Remix is particularly indebted to the four static boxes on the Zenon home page that prompted this four-part definition of our purpose:


How are the digital tools available today determining what we will know 100 years from now about things that happened 1000 years ago?


One manuscript, many forms. The data are limited (so that we can actually finish things) yet infinitely expandable (we may never finish).


Whatever we can get our hands on. Annotate, collate, interoperate… Repeat and stir.


Philosophy. Practice. Invitation. Art. This is how we make old things new. This is how we remember yesterday. Pass it on.

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