On Reviving a Module
A look at how past research paves the way for future discoveries. continue reading
A look at how past research paves the way for future discoveries. continue reading
What will happen to this website when Remix ends? continue reading
A new theme for Year 6 ! continue reading
Report on a day of conversation. continue reading
Author: Divya Kalidindi Upon my arrival at Dartmouth, I must admit that I had no prior experience with Digital Humanities, nor was I truly aware of what the field entailed. Therefore, working with Professor Warren and her team not only provided me with a greater understanding of DH, but also, … continue reading
Things we learned how to do at ILiADS @ Hamilton College continue reading
Laura and I are spending the week at the Institute for Liberal Arts Digital Scholarship at Hamilton College. The institute is a unique opportunity to immerse ourselves in Remix while collaborating with colleagues with a wide range of expertise and experience. The model is project-based and team-based, so the prospects … continue reading
Getting ready to move continue reading
The process of setting up this platform is raising its own questions. continue reading
**Update, March 16, 2021: Please see new post about theme change and archive of original theme views** Publishing a website involves lots of decisions. None of them are trivial. We wanted to get Remix into the public sphere as quickly and meaningfully as possible, so we opened this WordPress address … continue reading