Back to introducing the rest of our seniors before we graduate – this post is a spotlight for Khoa Tran, one of our team captains and also a fantastic dancer (holla at the Street Soul executive director 😉 )!

Please do take a look below to check out more about Khoa!

Name: Khoa Tran

Major(s): Chemistry w/pre-med
Hometown: Lansdale, PA
Class year: 2018
Age and/or birthday: 22 (Dec 29th)

Hobbies: listening to music, dancing, karaoke, reddit, cooking, LoL, playing ukulele
Favorite movie: La La Land! I’m a sucker for all things musical/Broadway
Favorite season (e.g. fall, spring, summer, winter): Fall for the sweater weather
If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it? Buy my own KAF store #basic
Favorite Dartmouth memory (thus far): Driving almost 2 hours away for Phở with my roommate
Favorite Club Swim memory: Lou’s Challenge!
Goal for this coming year: not drop off the face of the earth towards the 2nd half of the term