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Constitution of Dartmouth Club Swimming Team

Adopted on: September 15th, 2014

Last Amended: August 31st, 2017

Article 1 – Name

Dartmouth College Club Swimming Team, hereafter referred to as “Club Swim”

Article 2 – Purpose

A. To teach the fundamentals of swimming as a competitive sport.

B. To allow members to participate and gain experience in the sport.

C. To allow members to develop sportsmanship in the sport.

D. To allow members of all skill levels to compete in intercollegiate competitions

E. To provide coaching and practice for all members.

F. To build a strong, supportive, and competitive swim team.

Article 3 – Membership

A. Membership to the club, in accordance with Dartmouth’s Policy Concerning Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination, will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, national origin, disability, or military or veteran status.

B. Membership is open to Dartmouth undergraduate, Dartmouth graduate, Thayer School of Engineering, Tuck Business School, and Geisel School of Medicine students.

C. A full member has rights to practice and participate in club swim activities.

D. Members are expected to participate in three practices per week with the club swim team and are expected to compete in one meet per term. If either of these expectations cannot be met, members must notify the leadership in a timely manner.

Article 4 – Leadership

A. There will be a coach, president, captains, social chair, treasurer, apparel and equipment chair, and webmaster.

The coach is responsible for being prepared and present at all practices and competitions; this requires planning of sets for practices and aiding in coordination of meets and events for members. The coach is expected to provide sets and technical advice appropriate to all swim levels so that each member may improve over the course of their time on the club swim team.

The captain is responsible for being a strong student leader in the pool, serving as a role model to all other swimmers. The captain is responsible for fostering a sense of camaraderie on the team, as well as acting as a liaison between the team and the coach.

The president is responsible for the logistical aspects of the club team; this includes acting as a liaison between the team and the Dartmouth Athletic Department, managing finances (including collecting membership dues), ensuring practice times for the team, and maintaining member eligibility for physical education credit. The vice presidents will act in the president’s stead when the president is unavailable or off-campus, as well as president-in-training.

The social chair is responsible for planning events outside of practice times to foster a strong sense of team for club swim (at least three per term).

The treasurer is responsible for maintaining the budget of the club team; this includes responsibility for collecting dues (inputting DA$H numbers), and meeting with Dartmouth administration as appropriate.

The apparel and equipment chair is responsible for providing the team with opportunities to purchase club swim apparel to represent the team (at least once per year); this includes ensuring the team has a supply of custom swim caps for practice and competition. They are furthermore charged with maintaining team equipment and overseeing its purchase as necessary.

The webmaster is responsible for keeping the club swim webpage up to date.

B. Leadership will be appointed on the basis of majority opinion of the members of the team. Leadership terms may be as short as one term or as long as multiple years.

C. It is possible, though unadvisable, for a leadership position to be filled by someone off campus or someone already occupying another leadership position; neither of these circumstances, however, exempts the individual from completing all duties.

Article 5 – Meetings

A. The entire team will meet at least once at the beginning of the year, with the purpose of recruiting new members and evaluating expectations of the team.

B. The leadership will meet at least three times a term to continue to evaluate the program and check-in about logistical details for the team.

Article 6 – Funds

A. Members will contribute termly dues for the terms they participate; however, the expectation of these dues is not meant to be prohibitory. Financial aid will be given to those who need and request it.

B. Allocated funds will be put towards club expenses such as lifeguards, equipment, travel, competition fees, etc.

Article 7 – Ratification and Amendments

A. This constitution will be ratified by the leadership of the team.

B. If an amendment is required, it will be brought before and voted on by the leadership of the team.