Quotes from Past Dartmouth Club Swimmers
“I feel that the technique work is really helping me improve my speed and stamina.”
“Definitely the team with the best fashion sense.”
“I always enjoy [the social events]! Keep going strong!”
From an alumni coach: “You guys looked great in (and obviously out) of the pool!”
“Having been the only active member of club swim for all of the last four years, it has been really rewarding to see the team grow in such a positive direction. It went from a small group of people who often didn’t know each other’s names, to a group of close friends. Practices went from an average of 4 people per practice to at times having practices with too many people per lane. The first swim meet I went to with club swim we drove down in one sedan, and this spring we brought over 20 swimmers to Ivies. Finally, social events went from really forced meals that I was happy to leave, to some of the highlights of my term like the trips to Gilman Island, mock pong tournaments, and karaoke nights, as well as all the impromptu meals, workouts… I couldn’t be prouder of the team and can’t wait to see how much it will continue to grow in years to come.” – Forever Dad