Glyn Elwyn, MD, PhD, MSc
The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice
Glyn Elwyn is the director of the Institute’s Patient Engagement program. He has assembled an international interdisciplinary team, The Preference Laboratory, examining the implementation of shared decision making into clinical settings, using innovative tools and measures, such as CollaboRATE, a patient experience measure of shared decision making and Observer OPTION, for use on recorded data. Members of the team have led the development of Option Grids™ patient decision aids, tools designed to support collaboration between clinicians and patients.
He holds chair appointments at the Scientific Institute for Quality of Healthcare, University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Netherlands, the Cochrane Institute for Primary Care and Public Health, Cardiff University, and at University College London. He is the lead editor of Shared decision making: Evidence Based Patient Choice, Oxford University Press, 3rd edition, 2016.
Learn more at www.glynelwyn.com
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