Tina C. Foster, MD, MPH, MS


The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice

Tina is a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Community and Family Medicine at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth and The Dartmouth Institute. She practices at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center (DHMC) in Lebanon, NH, and serves as Vice-Chair for Education in the Dept. of Ob-Gyn. She is board certified in Ob-Gyn and Preventive Medicine. A graduate of UC San Francisco medical school, she obtained her MPH (1998) at the Harvard School of Public Health and MS (2001) at Dartmouth’s Center for Evaluative Clinical Sciences while she was a fellow in the VA Quality Scholars national fellowship program in White River Junction, VT. She is former Program Director for the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Leadership Preventive Medicine Residency (DHLPMR), a unique residency focused on the improvement of health and healthcare services. From 2003-2013 she was Associate Director of Graduate Medical Education at DHMC. From 2013-14 she served as national director for the VA Quality Scholars and Chief Resident in Quality and Safety programs. At The Dartmouth Institute (TDI), she is a member of TDI’s Coproduction Laboratory and active in the ongoing development of the International Coproduction of Health Network (ICoHN), focusing her work on building Communities of Practice.  She teaches multiple courses in the TDI MPH programs, and also at the Institute for Excellence in Health and Social Systems at the University of New Hampshire.


