FAIR Bioinformatics 2024

FAIR 2024 Recordings

Thomas, K: Defining your RNA-seq strategy

Hampton: Introduction to high-throughput data analysis

Disney: Responsible conduct of research

Charpentier: Introduction to R Studio

Charpentier: Intro to R data types

Charpentier: R logic loops and functions

Thomas, K: Promises and challenges of next-generation sequencing in contemporary biology

Fukutani: UNIX Files and Directories

Fukutani: UNIX Jobs and Processes

Taroni: Pre-processing RNA-seq data with fastp and Quantification with salmon

Taroni: Collaborative open research: lessons learned from working reproducibly with others

Li: Gene ID Conversion in R

Charpentier: Exploratory data analysis and normalization of transcriptomic data

Charpentier: edgeR and differential gene expression

Li: Over-representation analysis

Taub: R Markdown & R Notebook

Li: GSEA and pathway activation analysis

Li: Online tools for gene set and pathway analysis

Taroni: Choosing a machine learning approach to match your research question

Taroni: Rigor and reproducibility in machine learning

Hampton: Hands-on machine learning in R

Stanton: Overview of rigor and reproducibility

Li: Tools to access publicly available transcriptomic databases

Fukutani: Network Analysis

Hampton: Philosophy of Statistics

Churchill: Workflows for the Integration of Human and Mouse Multiomics Data

Hampton: Using R for Basic Laboratory Statistics and Graphs

Hampton: Correlation Analysis

MacKenzie: Models and Scientific Inquiry (lm)

Hampton: Analysis of Cytokine Data in R

MacKenzie: Testing for Associations in Count Data in R

Hampton: PCR Analysis in R

MacKenzie: Model-Based Normalization in R

Valls, Hilliam: Introduction to ggplot – basic syntax and data format

Valls, Hilliam: Common ggplot geometries and statistics

Neff: Beyond The Bar – Dendextend and ComplexHeatmap

Neff: Beyond The Bar- FactoExtra

Charpentier: Pirate plot and corrplots

Bobak: Chartering your way to better R Code – LLM’s as Copilots

Bobak: Using LLM to Replicate Published Analyses

Bagley: Writing a data management plan

Taub: Reanalysis of publicly available data on a shiny web server

Bobak: Public repositories for ‘omics data

Bagley: Sharing metadata – how to annotate your experiment

Oh: The human microbiome in health and disease

Goodale: Introduction to single-cell RNA-seq

Goodale: Data QC, filtering, and normalization

Goodale: Feature selection and clustering

Goodale: Clustering, cluster markers and cell identity prediction

Goodale: Exploring a pre-processed single cell RNA-seq dataset from a publication

Goodale: Sample integration and differential expression analysis

Valls, Hilliam: Introduction to microbiome experiment design and analysis

Valls, Hilliam: Using DADA 2 for QC filtering, trimming and merging

Valls, Hilliam: Building a phyloseq object and Decontam

Valls, Hilliam: Visualizing and analyzing alpha diversity, beta diversity, and relative abundance