DartCF Pilot Project Program (P3)

DartCF 2024 Pilot Project Program RFA (Full PDF)

Deadline for proposals: March 22, 2024.

The NIDDK-funded Dartmouth Cystic Fibrosis Research Center (DartCF) Pilot Project Program (P3) seeks innovative pilot projects that address important issues in CF disease progression and treatment. Areas of interest include CF-related topics involving intestinal disease or whole-body disease, e.g., infection, immunity/inflammation, immune cell biology, gut microbiota, kidney, pancreas, CF- related diabetes, cell biology and protein trafficking, gene therapy, computation, therapeutics, or any other topics related to CF. Respiratory projects may be appropriate, if they focus on whole-body issues, e.g., immunity or inflammation, or cross-talk with other organ system(s). Approaches may include wet bench and/or computational work. Clinical trials cannot be supported by this mechanism. Preference will be given to pilots that make use of the DartCF cores (https://sites.dartmouth.edu/dartcf), which will continue to offer most services free of charge.

The goal of these awards is to attract Dartmouth researchers to CF-related research and to open new research directions for current DartCF faculty. Faculty at all levels are eligible, including those with current extramural funding. Successful applications will propose high-impact basic, translational, or clinical research with the ultimate goal to leverage extramural funding opportunities. This year pilot project funding will be available for projects up to $50K/yr for up to two years. Funding for year 2 is contingent upon EAC review of a year 1 progress report.

Successful applicants must attend the weekly DartCF seminar (Wednesdays 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM), present a talk in the DartCF seminar series each year, and provide a yearly written progress report.

Mechanisms: The following mechanisms of support are available:

  1. Mentored Pilot Eligibility: PIs must be Dartmouth junior faculty members (tenure-track assistant or associate professors who have not yet received tenure) with PhD and/or MD degrees. The project must identify at least one experienced DartCF researcher as a mentor.
  2. Collaborative Pilot Eligibility: PIs must be tenured or tenure-track Dartmouth faculty members (assistant, associate or full professor) with PhD and/or MD degrees. The proposal must involve faculty from at least two distinct disciplines.
  3. Innovative Pilot Eligibility: PIs must be tenured or tenure-track Dartmouth faculty members (assistant, associate or full professor) with PhD and/or MD degrees. The proposal must represent a highly innovative, new area of CF research for PIs with a track record in CF research.

For more information contact Robb Cramer , Director of the DartCF Pilot Project Program (P3).

Submissions: Submit as a single PDF [named “lastname_DartCFPilot”] by email to Shaniqua Jones.

Deadline for proposals: March 22, 2024.