Co-Directors: Ali Ashare, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Medicine, Deborah Hogan, PhD, Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, and Timothy Gardner, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine.
Description: The mission of the DartCF Clinical and Translational Research Core (CTRC) is to support the CF-associated translational research performed by basic science investigators and physician-scientists by facilitating access to and analysis of clinical specimens from patients with cystic fibrosis.
- Provides support for design of research studies involving samples from human subjects with CF, including Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects (CPHS) approval, study design
- Provides centralized and comprehensive collection of specimens from CF patients and comparator populations including healthy control subjects by providing research coordinator support to obtain informed consent, interface with patients and families, assist in obtaining and transporting clinical specimens, and compiling approved patient data for research projects
- Creates and maintains a centralized and comprehensive collection of specimens from CF patients and non-CF control subjects for future research studies
- Provides processing and analysis of clinical specimens, methods optimization for sample preparation, and the development of new translational research assays as required by DartCF members.
The New Hampshire Cystic Fibrosis Center is fully accredited by the CF Foundation and cares for over 200 patients with CF. All subjects will be recruited and enrolled by a CTRC research nurse coordinator. Clinical samples will mainly be collected at DHMC in Lebanon, NH, which is adjacent to the building that contains the CTRC laboratory space overseen by Dr. Ashare. In addition, the CTRC research nurse coordinators attend CF Clinics in Manchester NH (90 minutes from DHMC) and routinely collect clinical samples for research during these clinics. These samples are then transported to DHMC on dry ice.
David Armstrong, Research Scientist
Nico Botelho, Research Technician
John Dessaint, RN, Research Nurse
Dana Dorman, RN, MSN, Research Nurse
Diane Mellinger, Research Technician
Contact: Please send an email to both Ali Ashare and Deb Hogan.