These show the dust det data as a funtion of flight time. The blip at 104 sec is the nose cone release. The black curve is dust within the 1-11eV bandwidth, the green is stuff outside the bandwidth, and the red is lf. Flight 59 has a similar profile to our earlier flights late at night; flight 58 has a distinctly rounded profile.
These files show the relationship between the dust data and the electron density probes. From the top down they are Ne, DC1, and DC2. The bottom is the mags. For some reason the spin axis mags on both flights saturated. This is a puzzle and not expected, we planned carefully for this not to be the case. It wasn’t saturated on the rail or on the ground, so why it should be saturated in the flight is a question. Still, you can see that the coning is nice and small.
The top is the fft of dc1. The middle is dc1 at high and low time resolution. The bottom is dust det data. Whenever dc1 goes over a threshold level, it picks up a spin (6hz) dependence. These plots also show (a) that with no switch to ion mode on the downleg, we should be able to see at what altitude the e- interefence in LF shuts off, and (b) that the e- profile may have a biteout where the dust det signal is large.
These show all the different e- density probes, and also have altitude markers.