
Enstrophy was launched from Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska, USA at 06:45:31 UT on 11 February 1999 into a pre-midnight aurora.

Multipoint measurements of field-aligned current density in the auroral zone
(to be released in the Journal of Geophysical Research in 2003)

Yihua Zheng,
Universities Space Research Association, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
Kristina Lynch,
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Wilder Laboratory, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, USA.
Manfred Boehm,
Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center, Palo Alto, California, USA.
Raymond Goldstein,
Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
Hamid Javadi,
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, USA.
Peter Schuck,
Naval Research Laboratory, Washinton, D.C., USA.
Roger L. Arnoldy,
Institute for the Study of Earth Oceans and Space, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire, USA.
Paul M. Kintner,
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA.

The Enstrophy Main Payload:

Diagram of the Enstrophy Main Payload

Photograph of FFMs:

Photograph of FFMs

Layout of FFMs:

Layout of FFMs

FFM deployment system concept:

FFM deployment system concept

Image from the Polar Ultraviolet Imager during the Enstrophy Flight:

Image from the Polar Ultraviolet Imager during the Enstrophy Flight

Cartoon representation of the Enstrophy flight:

Cartoon representation of the Enstrophy flight

Deployment geometry of the four FFMs:

Deployment geometry of the four FFMs

Comprehensive view of the Enstrophy auroral event:

Comprehensive view of the Enstrophy auroral event

Focused view of the Enstrophy auroral event:

Focused view of the Enstrophy auroral event

Figure 10:

Graphs of flight times of Delta B in B-L systems vs the x axis, vs the y axis, and also graph of dhmag in B-L system

Figure 11:

Graphs of Jz using 3 FFMs, Jz using single point measurement, and gradient dot B in same units of Jz

Figure 12:

An example of a temporal event seen by a different sounding rocket

Figure 13:

Wavelet transforms and cross-correlations of FFM data

Figure 14:

Line plot samples extracted from the top right panel of figure 13

Figure 15:

The relationship between different components of w

Figure 16:

The spherical triangle relations of the B, L and w vectors