We are investigating auroral electrodynamics using ground based observations. The observational techniques to be used include optical imaging with both narrow-field and all-sky cameras, as well as radar observations using both coherent and incoherent scatter radars.
Four main topics will be investigated:
- Auroral arc width distribution and relation to arc lifetime and brightness.
- Return Current Region (RCR) auroral morphology and time dependence.
- Ionospheric feedback: The existence or not of large amplitude structures in the lower ionosphere on small spatial and/or short temporal scales.
- Ion outflows: Possible relationships and connections between ion outflows, soft electron precipitation, specific auroral types, BBELF (Broad-Band Extremely Low Frequency) waves, and NEIAL (Naturally Enhanced Ion-Acoustic Lines).
![Auroral spiral from Poker Flat, Alaska](https://sites.dartmouth.edu/lynch-rocket-lab/files/2020/11/spiral.jpg)
“Auroral spiral from Poker Flat, Alaska Photo by: Robert Michell”
![Aurora over Fairbanks, Alaska](https://sites.dartmouth.edu/lynch-rocket-lab/files/2020/11/aurora_fairbks.jpg)
“Aurora over Fairbanks, Alaska. Photo by: Robert Michell”
Thesis Proposal: Robert G. Michel
Small-Scale Structures and Motions of Auroral Signatures as Observed From the Ground: A Planned Field Study Using Camera and Radar Observations”
“Small-scale structures and motions of auroral signatures as observed from the ground: a planned field study using camera and radar observations”
Camera and radar observations of the aurora: Open questions for ground based studies
Preliminary Results for Return Current Region Structures