Tim is a ’27 at Dartmouth intending to major in Computer or Electrical Engineering. He joined the lab in fall 2023. He is currently working with the hardware group on the GNEISS rocket, working towards developing ground stations for electron content data transmission.
Alexandra Lipshutz ’27
Alexx is a ’27 at Dartmouth majoring in Physics and Earth Science. She joined the rocket lab in winter 2024. She is working on configuring radio hardware for the GNEISS rocket using Raspberry Pi’s and the Ettus b205 Software Defined Radio.
Giselle Wu ’27
Giselle is a ’27 majoring in engineering physics at Dartmouth College. She joined the lab in winter 2024. She currently works in the GEMINI subteam, generating visualizations for the Swarm-over-Poker data.
Sean Wallace ’27
Sean is a ’27 majoring in physics at Dartmouth College. They joined the lab in winter 2024. They are currently redesigning the shield software for the GNEISS mission.
Shreya Gandhi ’26
Shreya is a ‘26 pursuing a major in physics, who began working in the lab in winter 2023. She is part of the rocket group, with her current focus being on data visualization from the LAMP mission.
Lillia Hammond ’26
Lillia is a dual degree from Amherst College, a ’26 at Dartmouth, majoring in mechanical engineering. She joined the lab in fall 2023. She works in mechanical design, leading the lab’s SolidWorks modeling and working on rapid design and prototyping for lab hardware.
Maeve Conneely ’25
Maeve is a ’25 who began working in the lab in winter 2022. She is pursuing a major in engineering sciences modified with computer science, and has worked in the GEMINI and hardware subgroups. She is currently working on Raspberry Pis radios and improving the screen building process for pips.
Grace Connolly ’25
Grace is a ’25 who began working in the lab in winter 2022. She is majoring in electrical engineering. Right now, she is working on creating an accessible database of the Swarm-Over-Poker data, generating visualizations and compiling data from multiple sources.