Many people who said they were going to go to the Ice Castle Trip, did not show up
Before, there have been financial penalties for not showing to events, but very lenient
Will be followed up
Towels/Warm Up Station for Winter Carnival
Need to get ahead with ordering towels for polar plunge
Considering the time lag that has happened with the fleeces, we need to get ahead with ordering the towels
Need to decide on size of towel
Chair Noah will follow up with Prof. Hickox
Possibility of having a booth at Relay for Life event on January 27th
Can give out free mugs or gear
Ring toss game?
Most members expressed interest in running a booth at the event
Noah is following up with Relay for Life to confirm our commitment to running a booth
Posse Plus Retreat
Posse wants West Exec. Council to help advertise their retreat on Feb. 24
We will commit to support Posse
New storage room on first floor of Russell Sage
Darby is getting keys for executive members
Addition of coffee machine in West House office
Screen and projector are currently in West House office and will probably be kept there since UGA’s in Russell Stage on the first floor sometimes leave the door open