WIB Opportunities 19S Week 2

Check out our weekly opportunity newsletter, which includes upcoming business opportunities at Dartmouth and job/internship application information.

Highlighted Opportunity: Capital Group CAPitalize program
Capital Group’s CAPitalize program to introduce women to Capital Group and Investment Management will be held in New York City from May 30th-31st. Participants will hear panel discussions, participate in a case study, and interact with investment colleagues. The application is due April 22nd at 5 pm, and can be filled out using the link below. If you have any questions you can contact Hilary Albright at Hilary.Albright@capgroup.com. Apply


WIB 19S Kickoff Meeting


Date: March 28th, 2019

Summary: At our first meeting of the term, we met our new officer team and executive board, reviewed WIB’s 19S meeting schedule, and discussed the Associate’s Program and its application process. We look forward to a great term!
