Remix Goes to France

By Arielle Feuerstein

Seven years ago today, Bay ByrneSim wrote a blog post exploring, an exhibition-based publishing tool. At the end of last month, Bay’s research was cited and translated by Laurent Aucher for Journées du logiciel libre (Open Source Days) a conference in Lyon, France. It is always interesting to see how Remix research resurfaces, and how it is built upon and repurposed for other projects. It was great to catch up with Bay, who know a PhD student in Art History at Harvard, over the permissions request from Laurent!

Here is a link to the original blog post, and here is the translated research presented in France!

Laurent Aucher
Responsable du Département informatique
Chef de projet Bibliothèque numérique
Direction générale déléguée aux bibliothèques et musées (DGDBM)
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