Remix is Inappropriate
In which an algorithm blocks our collaboration continue reading
In which an algorithm blocks our collaboration continue reading
Summary of project status, beginning of year 3 continue reading
Things we learned how to do at ILiADS @ Hamilton College continue reading
Laura and I are spending the week at the Institute for Liberal Arts Digital Scholarship at Hamilton College. The institute is a unique opportunity to immerse ourselves in Remix while collaborating with colleagues with a wide range of expertise and experience. The model is project-based and team-based, so the prospects … continue reading
We wrote an article about our work so far. continue reading
This summer brings a “learning tour” of several one-week residencies to develop new ideas, context, and skills for Remix. First stop–Digital Humanities Summer Institute at the University of Victoria. As the start date drew close, I realized that I had mistakenly signed up for a course that requested that we … continue reading
What does Remix contribute? continue reading
Getting ready to move continue reading
Qingyu Wang, Michelle Warren, Jennifer Zhong, Laura Braunstein, Bay ByrneSim continue reading
Etymologies and accidents. continue reading
The process of setting up this platform is raising its own questions. continue reading
The great thing about experiments is that you never know… continue reading
Making a facsimile book. continue reading
Brief description of current project ideas continue reading
**Update, March 16, 2021: Please see new post about theme change and archive of original theme views** Publishing a website involves lots of decisions. None of them are trivial. We wanted to get Remix into the public sphere as quickly and meaningfully as possible, so we opened this WordPress address … continue reading
The Process Log covers the behind the scenes stories. continue reading
Publications about the Dartmouth Brut continue reading
The Dartmouth Brut from 1420 to now. continue reading
Credit where credit is due. continue reading
One archive, many tools. continue reading