Hi Club Swim!

It’s me, your favorite retired social chair! For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Campbell, I’m an ’18, and I’ve been part of club swim since the first week of my freshman fall. It’s hard to believe I only have one more quarter left as an official member (but don’t worry, I’ll still be lurking in the groupme long after I’ve graduated), and as week 9 is wrapping up the nostalgia is definitely hitting hard. So join me as I procrastinate studying for finals with a trip down club swim memory lane!

I knew I was going to join club swim the minute I decided to come to Dartmouth. Swimming had always been my main thing besides school, and while I didn’t quite want to keep up the three-hour-practices-six-days-a-week grind, I still wanted it to be a part of my life. With all the weird transitioning and awkwardness that comes with freshman fall (let’s be real, I still don’t know what I’m doing half the time), it was nice to have a constant community from day one. I remember meeting Kimmy and Jacob for the first time, not knowing that a year later it would be us running the show. Fun fact: Kimmy and I were at literally all of the same meets and high school completely unaware of each other, and I found out during orientation that one of my good friends/high school teammates is Jacob’s cousin! Small world right?

Fast forward to sophomore fall, when Kimmy, Jacob and I found ourselves behind a table at the activities fair trying to recruit 19s to swim with us. With all the upperclassmen graduated or on off terms, it was up to the three of us to carry on the ‘15s legacy. Luckily, we found some awesome people to join the team, and despite making some mistakes (exhibit A: Campbell, Kimmy and Jacob spend half an hour trying to figure out how to put gas in a car we rented for the Harvard meet and end up having to call Brian, our ’15 captain, for help), we managed to pull it off.

Since then, club swim has continued to be one of my favorite groups on campus. This team has given me some of my closest friendships, craziest stories (lookin at you Ivies 2k17), most stylish apparel (shoutout to Sarah for the wave Patagonias!), and the best memories. Looking back at how much our team has grown over just a few short years, I’m so excited to see where we’ll go in the future. I’m sad I have to leave soon, but I know I’ll always have a home here. Love you all!