Martian exploration has been a hot topic on NASA’s agenda for quite a while. The prospect of life on the fourth planet from the Sun conjures the exciting potential for human colonization as well as international cooperation on Earth for mutually beneficial space activities, according to National Space Policy. The question arises, however, about more practical applications of Martian exploration. This is where Michael Meyer comes into the picture.


The lead scientist of the Mars Exploration Program at NASA headquarters in Washington, D.C., Meyer recently spoke at Dartmouth’s weekly physics and astronomy colloquium last Fridday. He has, for years, been on the front lines of new innovations and technologies, all designed with the sole purpose of addressing pressing scientific objectives about Mars. Everything from understanding solar system history and planetary evolution to discovering the potential for life on the planet has been prioritized for current research.


One of the key features of Mars that makes it enticing for space researchers is its relative accessibility (compared to other planets). It provides the opportunity to approach and possibly answer the origin and evolution of life questions by examining terrestrial sedimentation and other environmental factors in relation to those found on Earth billions of years ago. Using high-end technologies such as high resolution imaging cameras, the team at NASA identified a new astrobiological focus: explore the role of water on the ground. Mars passed through a stage during which water on its surface became more ephemeral and more acidic. Though many complexities arise from this assumption, including the persistence of local non-acidic environments and hydrated silica (which releases hydrogen gas into the atmosphere) this information can be used to design instruments for experiments to assess the validity of such claims.


Many key clues to understanding the astrobiological potential of Mars have emerged recently. One significant medium of investigation has arrived in the form of meteorites that caused many scientists to believe in the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Through the use of imaging software, meteorites and recent impact craters demonstrated the presence of waters from the poles of Mars. In addition, organic molecules from the atmosphere both on Earth and on Mars have become crucial in this quest, mainly since their origins can provide a direction for future research, both in the laboratory and on extraterrestrial surfaces.


Meyer’s seminar at Dartmouth introduced a new and exciting arena for exploration within the scientific community at the college. Though the future of space exploration is always uncertain, the combination of groundbreaking research and more powerful and efficient innovations emphasizes the unlimited potential for knowledge and spirit in space science.