Month: November 2013Page 6 of 7

Interdisciplinary Studies: Mind-Altering Substances

Carl Sagan (1934 to 1996), the American astronomer who popularized his field (as well as maroon turtlenecks), was an advocate of marijuana. Under the pseudonym of “Mr. X,” he penned…

The Radiation All Around Us

Since the 1970s, scientists have invested a huge amount of time and effort to understand and protect people from carcinogens. As scientists gradually discovered the negative effects of…

Tobacco and Mental Illness

On Tuesday, October 22nd, Dr. Mary Brunette gave a talk on Nicotine Dependence in Mental Illness: Motivation, Treatment and Technology at the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. Her talk was…

Cleaning Out the Brain

Many have wondered why the brain needs sleep to function optimally. Recently, researchers at the University of Rochester Medical Center have found that the brain rids itself of…

François Englert – The Other Guy Behind the Higgs Mechanism

The Nobel Prize. The pinnacle of scientific research, given only to an honored few. Each year, we recognize the few in their field who have served as inspirations…