Asha Dees, Biological Sciences, Fall 2021

Figure: An image of a brain split into two segments: one of which is composed of tissues and another one which is interconnected by wires.
Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

In August of 2021, a research team at Brown University published a paper describing advanced technology they developed using silicon microchips that has great potential to improve our understanding of the human mind. These researchers improved upon existing methods to record and send information from the brain to computers by designing microchips much smaller than those currently used that can be distributed across the organ’s surface and tissue that stimulate neurons with tiny electrical pulses. The creation of the embedded microchips which interface with a computer system was led by Dr. Art Nurmikko, a renowned neuroengineer (Mullin, 2021).

The significance of the technology, which has been coined as “neurograins,” stems from its minute size. Because each neurograin is approximately the size of a grain of salt, they can be implanted in a greater number and throughout more areas of the brain in comparison to other technologies currently in use. (Previous brain implant technologies usually can only concentrate on one area of the brain). The expanded scope in brain coverage provided by neurograins not only allows for the collection of more information in the brain but also reduces health risks associated with neural-implantation, since the insertion of such small devices in the brain requires smaller incisions and results in less inflammation and scarring around the implant site (Mullin, 2021). 

The research team at Brown is excited about the possible applications of neurograins, in conjunction with existing research, in advancing technology that assists those with brain and spinal cord injuries to communicate and move with greater independence. Neurograin technology is also being explored as a potential method of treatment for conditions such as Parkinson’s and Epilepsy that impact the signaling of neurons in the brain (Mullin, 2021).

Figure: An image of an Epilepsy monitoring unit is depicted above. Epilepsy is a neurological condition that results in a “burst of uncontrolled electrical activity between brain cells (also called neurons or nerve cells) that causes temporary abnormalities in muscle tone or movements […], behaviors, sensations or states of awareness” (“Types of Seizures, Johns Hopkins Medicine). Since neurograins also have the capacity to use small electric pulses to stimulate neurons (Mullin, 2021), researchers are interested in further exploring how this can be used to alleviate seizures.
Image Source: Creative Commons License,”Epilepsy Monitoring Unit” by SpectrumHealth

However, the fine tuning of this technology is still underway, as there are still multiple concerns to address about its safety and efficacy before its widespread adoption by neuroscientists. For instance, the team is currently conducting further research in order to improve the quality of signals the chips can transmit as well as working on ways to ensure the safety of potential test subjects since the implantation of the chips might trigger an immune response (Mullin, 2021).

The future of neurograins grows brighter as surgical techniques improve and more biocompatible and sustainable materials are developed, making science one step closer to uncovering the secrets of the human brain.


Mullin, E. (2021, September 13). ‘Neurograins’ Could Be The Next Brain-computer Interfaces. Wired. Retrieved November 10, 2021, from

Types of seizures. Johns Hopkins Medicine. (n.d.). Retrieved November 13, 2021, from