Building the Modern MD: Trainings

To further guide you through the Building the Modern MD competition, the steering committee has created trainings that will guide you through the competition: these include choosing topics, getting sources, reading various types of scientific literature, and writing your papers. Click on the training titles to access all of the trainings.

Training 1 | Introduction to Building the Modern MD 

In this training we will briefly introduce the competition including requirements for the essay, goals of the program, training and guidance that we will provide, and how this opportunity can be leveraged in future professional development opportunities. 

Training 2 | Choosing a Topic and Sourcing Publications 

You will learn how to explore potential topics for your paper and how to source credible publications for your essay topic. We will go over how to search for articles on major search engines, how to identify credible research journals, and how to organize publications for potential use. We’ll also give good tips for brainstorming and outlining your essay. 

Training 3 | Reading Public Health and Clinical Publications

You will learn how to efficiently read, analyze, and synthesize public health and clinical publications across a diverse array of humanities topics. In addition to giving you an overview of the components, we will give you some relevant background and introduce strategies to help you efficiently scan, annotate, and understand scholarly material. 

Training 4 | Reading STEM and Quantitative Social Science Publications

Similar to Training 2, we will cover how to efficiently read, analyze, and synthesize publications, but address those with a more STEM or quantitative focus. It is inevitable that you will come across the more quantitative humanities publications due to a recent increased focus on data analytics in social science papers, but you might find yourself having to tackle tough STEM publications as well. In this training, we will give you an overview of the components of such publications, and introduce strategies to help you efficiently scan, annotate, and understand the scholarly material. 

Training 5 | Outlining and Drafting Your Papers 

During this training we will share our internal DUJS outlining template for you to organize your publications and start solidifying your thesis and organization of paper sections based on your findings. We will also provide tips about how to write the first draft and abstract of your literature review as well as examples of relevant past DUJS papers.

If you would like a pdf version of all the student information, see here. Please note that the PDF and BtMMD web pages change as broken links are noted and updated. If you are having trouble with a link on the PDF, try redownloading it and see if the issue is fixed; if it isn’t, please reach out to us via email!