Category: Fall 2009Page 2 of 3

Now You See It, Soon You Won’t: Technology of the Future

Flight, super speed, x-ray vision, and invisibility: the abilities people once believed possible only through magic have become realities through centuries of research and development. First cars, then…

Atomic Force Microscopy: Revolutionizing the Future of Nano-scale Imaging

In 1683, Anton von Leeuwenhoek improved the primordial microscope and made several observations of bacteria on teeth, worms in the nose, and the epidermis of human skin. Though…

Esophageal Cancer and the ‘Asian Glow’

Upon consuming alcoholic beverages, hundreds of millions of people of East Asian ethnicity exhibit a facial flushing reaction that is more commonly referred to as the “Asian glow.”…

Bisphenol A: Unfit for Consumption

Although the topic of body weight has always been present in the media, lately the subject of weight loss and gain has received substantial news coverage. The public…

Invisible Disabilities: The Pathology of ADHD and Autism

Autism and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are both neurological disorders that have gained attention in recent years (1, 2). ADHD is much more prevalent in the United States…