Category: Physical SciencesPage 4 of 14

New Discovery Offers the Possibility of Earth Outliving the Sun

Sai Rayasam, Physical Sciences, Fall 2020 Figure: This image illuminates the potential Jupiter-sized planet orbiting around its white dwarf star. White dwarfs mark the end and death of…

New-clear Reactors: Newly approved nuclear reactor designs seek to improve on old ones

Dev Kapadia ’23, Engineering, Fall 2020  Figure 1: Shown by the red line, the sharp increase in the number of permits issued for nuclear reactors stopped completely after…

The Environmental Consequences of Civil Wars

Anahita Kodali, Physical Sciences, News, Fall 2020 This is the flag of Angola, the model country in the research study. Image Source: Wikimedia Commons Researchers often discuss the…

Natural radiation poses problems for quantum computer development

Sai Rayasam, Applied Sciences, Summer 2020 Figure 1: These scientists are assembling a part of a quantum computer. The superconducting qubits, the fundamental units of a quantum computer,…

Speed of light reduced using nanoantennas

Sai Rayasam, Applied Sciences, Summer 2020 Figure: The speed of light is extremely fast–186,00 miles per second in a vacuum. Scientists have previously determined that the speed of…