Category: Spring 2008 – 10th Anniversary EditionPage 2 of 4
In 1769, Reverend Eleazar Wheelock founded Dartmouth, the ninth college in the nation. In 1998, four daring, inspired Dartmouth undergraduates established the DUJS. What else has happened?
During the ten years of the DUJS’s existence, science at Dartmouth has seen breakthrough after breakthrough. Once the site of the first clinical x-ray in North America, Dartmouth…
We propose a medium of scientific expression for the students, by the students. The community needs a medium that will focus on recognizing and unifying Dartmouth undergraduate research…
Philistines! (Scene Two) Or the Electrodynamics of a Moving Body Nasser is a Senior Fellow at the College. Each Senior Fellow completes an independent, interdisciplinary project in lieu…
Diel Emigration and Foraging Behaviors of the Army Ant Eciton hamatum (Subfamily Ecitoninae) As predators of many social insects and larger arthropods, army ants are a key component…