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Spring 2011 Journal

Effects of Epiphyte Cover on Seagrass Growth Rates in Two Tidal Zones

Epiphytic algae are the most important primary producers in seagrass ecosystems; yet, the impact of epiphytic algae on seagrass is not well understood.

Effects of Ocean Acidification on a Turtle Grass Meadow

With increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, the oceans are expected to increase in acidity during the next century.

Biophilic Design: A Review of Principle and Practice

The word “green” elicits many definitions and responses. From nature itself to environmentally friendly consumer items and building methods, the word has ubiquitously slapped onto a multitude of products and services currently on the market.

Energy Optimization and Foraging Preference in Hummingbirds

Optimal Foraging Theory predicts that organisms will maximize their foraging efficiency by balancing time spent feeding and time spent searching for new feedings sites.