Category: Winter 2012Page 2 of 3
Despite the popular myth, Walt Disney’s body was not frozen. In fact, Disney died a year before the first man was cryogenically preserved.
An animal is declared extinct when “there is no reasonable doubt that the last individual (of the species) has died” (1). Although extinction is a natural biological process, the rate of extinction and the endangerment of animal and plant species is occurring at an alarming rate due to the growing human population.
What are phytoplankton? The marvelous little creatures floating silently near the surface of the sea seem to have a presence quite detached from our own; indeed, the typical person may easily overlook the significance of these tiny critters.
Human activity in the Midwestern United States impacts not only the surrounding land but also the water in rivers and streams, which run all the way into the Gulf of Mexico.
Oil spills are a byproduct of human activity in which oil is leaked “from ships, shore facilities, pipelines and offshore platforms” (1). Despite popular belief, the largest contributors to oil spills are not tankers, ships that carry large amounts of oil, but rather automobiles, boats, industrial plants, and machinery.