Category: Winter 2012Page 3 of 3
Sound is essentially a mechanical disturbance that travels through a fluid (1). The human hearing is likewise mechanical in nature and is a feat of evolutionary engineering.
Could you tell me about the path you took to becoming a scientist?
I did my undergraduate work in California. I actually began as a studio art major, but I started taking a biology class my junior year, and that class really sparked my excitement.
Scientists throughout history, from the ancient Amazonian shaman to the modern day laboratory technician, have searched to leverage nature to help mankind achieve prolonged life and better health.
DUJS Science Lecture Series: MythBusters
As fall 2011 came to a close, Dartmouth Undergraduate Journal of Science held its termly DUJS Science Lecture Series—co-sponsored with Dartmouth Society of Biological Sciences—in honor of its newest fall issue.
Dear Reader,
Today’s generation of college students grew up with many of the Disney classics of the 1990’s. As you have already seen from the cover, Disney’s The Little Mermaid inspired this hydrophilic issue of the Dartmouth Undergraduate Journal of Science.