Category: Winter 2017

Humans’ Endogenous Retroviruses Influence Our Brain Development

A recent article in ScienceDaily based on a publication in the journal Cell Reports describes a hot topic in neurobiology: the contribution of endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) towards human brain…

When stress becomes deadly

Whether it’s from upcoming exams, unpaid bills, or simply a long day at work, stress is an inevitable part of life. However, poor stress management can lead to…

Physicists Cool Microscopic Drum to Near Absolute Zero

According to a paper recently published in Nature, researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have cooled a vibrating drum to an unprecedented one-fifth of…

Professor Thomas Gilovich and the Psychology of Gratitude

Thomas Gilovich, a professor of psychology at Cornell University, discussed his research in the psychological processes involved with gratitude and suggested potential ways to combat ingratitude while increasing…