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Incorporation of Fluorinated Nucleotide Analogs Into HIV-1 TAR RNA

Abstract Tat is an 86 amino acid virally encoded protein vital to the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) life cycle by stimulating transcription initiation and increases processivity…

Ooid Production and Transport on the Caicos Platform

ABSTRACT Limestone is common in rocks from all geologic periods of the Phanerozoic era as well as in many Proterozoic assemblages (1). The minerologic and fabric character of…

Does Irrigation Development Decrease Local Malaria Infection Rates?

Abstract In sub-Saharan Africa, arid soil coupled with a rapidly increasing demand for food has driven the development of small and large-scale irrigation schemes. Irrigation development has the…

The Life and Death of the Cholera Pathogen

Dirty water has a profound effect on the lives of the global majority. Waterborne disease takes lives directly (1), and further weakens or kills those affected by HIV/AIDS,…

Remember When?: Infantile Amnesia

Introduction Memory. It is the internal scrapbook that defines one’s individuality—a sense of self that is crucial to the human psyche. Nevertheless, due in large part to its…