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In the 1920s, many Americans and Europeans were regularly consuming radium. Marketed as a cure-all, radium was an ingredient in a variety of over-the-counter nostrums, from face creams…
Working in France in 1903, Augustin Cabanès and Lucien Nass declared, “De toutes les armes que le génie de l’homme a inventées pour nuire à son semblable, le…
In 2006, approximately 1,399,790 new cases of cancer were diagnosed (1). Current treatments and lifestyle changes have significantly improved the fate of these patients; the death rate from…
In November, two teams of scientists published methods of generating embryonic-like stem cells without destroying an embryo, a finding which could quell the ethical controversy surrounding stem cell…
Within one second of the detonation, a 20 pounds per square inch (psi) overpressure will be generated out to a distance of 0.4 miles from the Empire State Building. Everything in this circle is utterly demolished. Those within this circle will be exposed to sudden pressure effects that destroys lungs and ear drums, shrapnel from nearby objects, and a thermal emission of such intensity that immediate death results.