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Resilience in Child Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Introduction On March 13, 1996, a gunman shot and killed sixteen kindergartners and one adult at a primary school in Dunblane, Scotland. Other children who witnessed the massacre…

Language and Nature: Using Linguistic Analysis to Design New Antimicrobial Peptides

Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is a growing problem in hospitals today. Scientists are continually searching for ways to win this race against mutating bacteria, and a surprising solution…

Liquid Sunshine: The Discovery of Radium

In the 1920s, many Americans and Europeans were regularly consuming radium. Marketed as a cure-all, radium was an ingredient in a variety of over-the-counter nostrums, from face creams…

Sensational Murders: A Poisonous History of Victorian Society

Working in France in 1903, Augustin Cabanès and Lucien Nass declared, “De toutes les armes que le génie de l’homme a inventées pour nuire à son semblable, le…

The Next Step In Cancer Research: Cancer Prevention?

In 2006, approximately 1,399,790 new cases of cancer were diagnosed (1). Current treatments and lifestyle changes have significantly improved the fate of these patients; the death rate from…