
Your Friends Aren’t Upper Middle Class, Just Rich

Extensive investigation has confirmed that most of your friends who have been self identifying as “upper middle class, I guess,” are in fact exceptionally affluent. “I mean, my family is comfortable?” said your friend Lilian…

Dartmouth Tradition: Pee on Your Friends?

In response to the emerging prominence of urination culture on campus in the past couple years, our reporters have interviewed a couple students about the practice. Here’s what they found: Valerie ’21 | San Francisco,…

I Want An Acorn To Knock Me The Fuck Out

I, a Dartmouth Student, am at an emotional low point, and I welcome the sweet concussive relief of an acorn taking me the fuck down. Everyday I pace back and forth along Mass Row, hoping,…

The Dartmouth Jack-o-Lantern

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