Cannabinoids are the chemical components
of a plant called marijuana,
a natural secondary metabolite
that gets you where you wanna.
The most common cannabinoid, the chemical Delta 9-
tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC,
produces the effects of the “high”
that are quite easy to see.
These behavioral effects are a result
of cannabinoid receptor concentrations,
most densely located in basal ganglia
cerebellum, and hippocampus locations.
These regions are responsible for coordination,
motor control, and memories,
thus cannabis consumption results in
a compromise of these abilities.
The psychoactive effects of cannabis
are complex, and understand them, we can’t
as the drug exhibits a mix of the likes
of a hallucinogen, depressant and stimulant.
Yet unlike narcotics such as
opiates or cocaine,
cannabis does not affect the dopamine
systems of the brain (1).
Medical applications of marijuana
are numerous and widespread,
it is a useful pain reliever, appetite stimulatant
glaucoma cure, and antinausea med.
Further medicinal studies may even reveal
more about this miracle weed,
multiple sclerosis, depression, Alzeihemer’s disease,
and many other cures we need.
1. Herkenham, Miles. Annals of the American Academy of Sciences. 654, 19-32 (1992).
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