Isabelle Wilson, Biological Sciences, Spring 2021 Figure: Diagram of Chaperone-mediated autophagy (CMA) function. This proposed Alzheimer’s drug would increase the number of LAMP2A receptors to increase CMA activity…
Collins Kariuki, Computer Science, Spring 2021 Figure: Shows some part of a python code program. Programming languages have improved since their inception, but how do humans cognitively perceive…
Lord Charité Igirimbabazi, Biological Sciences, Spring 2021 Figure: Shows structural differences between cancer cells and normal cells. Researchers have shown that tumor cells are a mixture of cancer…
Collins Kariuki, Neuroscience, Spring 2021 Figure: Shows the human brain and its various parts. Researchers have shown that a select group of individuals – supertaskers – utilize the…
Callie Moody ‘24, Life Sciences, Spring 2021 Figure: This is a photograph of several current wearable batteries on the market. None of these have the capacity to generate…