Category: Applied SciencesPage 17 of 24

Shrinking Salamanders in the Face of Climate Change

Recent evidence suggests that some organisms are already undergoing phenotypic changes as a result of climate change. Researchers Nicholas M. Caruso et al. compared historical and contemporary size…

Do Babies Make Social and Moral Judgments?

Since Aristotle, humans have been labeled as “social animals.” From birth, humans learn to interact with other humans, navigating the complexities of what Professor Karen Wynn of Yale…

China Emerges as Global Research Power

Since the end of the Cultural Revolution in 1976, China’s investment in science and technology has increased at an unprecedented rate. According to numbers released last month by…

How Daily Temperature Affects Climate Change Belief

Research has already shown that there is a relationship between today’s temperature and one’s belief in climate change and global warming. Lisa Zaval, Elke Weber, and Eric Johnson…

Combating Influenza with an Immunosuppressant

Every year, scientists rush to create a vaccine for the newest strain of the influenza virus affecting the population. Current flu vaccines do not provide immunity against multiple…