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5 Ways to Boost Productivity During Midterm Season!


Method One: Believe you can finish the task that you dread starting.

PRO TIP: Many times, we do not produce work, because we feel we might not do well. Take a deep breath. When starting a task, your focus should be to just understand the requirements and assess your role. The evaluation of whether the task will be "your best" should not be a priority at this stage!

Method Two: Study in groups if you are prone to distraction on your own.

PRO-TIP: If you are well-aware of your lack of focus when you study alone, then find a study buddy! Through a social connection, accountability can pave the way for timing a buddy, figuring out what works, and planning and executing for tasks together!

Method Three: Learn to plan for success not failure.

PRO-TIP: Planning ahead of time is great! But has execution taken over? If you are just planning and no steps have been taken, then ask yourself: does this plan work? Who is it working for? Plan in a way, where execution naturally happens in micro-steps!

Method Four: Make the Calendar work FOR you, NOT against YOU!

PRO-TIP: If there is a routine that has worked for you in the past, that no longer works with you, perhaps it is time to build a new one. Many times, we continue to use the same calendar routines, but we have changed. In this case, take a moment to pause and learn your own signals of what routine is working with you this current moment. Create a calendar around that!

Method Five: Take Mindful Breaks!

PRO-TIP: Studying for hours straight doesn't help you! Learn to work with time of study and time of rest woven together. Have you heard of the 30-10 study method? Try 30 minutes of focused studying and 10 minutes of mindful breaks!