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Balance is probably one of the biggest things that the Academic Skills Center’s blog stresses. And as new students entering into an ivy league school, I wouldn’t be surprised if many of you feel overwhelmed by the number of organizations available to you, the number of social events you’ll be invited to, and the fast paced learning environment that the quarter system here provides.  ...continue reading "All About Balance: For 23’s"

I was a pretty high strung person during my undergraduate years. And while I’m generally a Type A personality at heart, I can’t help but think that if I had entered freshman year with some extra information, those early college days would have been more enjoyable for me. ...continue reading "7 Things I Wish I Knew During Undergrad"


Some of the newly admitted 23’s are already e-mailing me, asking what advice I have about getting a good start and/or doing well academically at Dartmouth. I think it’s great that they (you) are thinking and planning ahead, which is probably the most important thing you can do well before September 16th, the first day of classes, and the start of your Dartmouth academic careers.

Here are my suggestions: ...continue reading "Dear Class of 2023"

If you go on YouTube and type "morning routines," you are bombarded with picture perfect routines: students getting up at 5:00am, working out until 6:00am, drinking coffee (or a protein shake) on their window seats to watch the sunrise and catching up on their pleasure reading of the month; all well before 7:00am. These are all great activities to start the day off with, but for most Dartmouth students, or any college student for that matter, this is far from reality. ...continue reading "A Productive Day Begins the Night Before"

The Academic Skills Center aims to provide the students of Dartmouth College with practical skills that they can use in order to become more successful students. Recently, our office came across a textbook that claims to be “a student’s guide for classroom and career success”. As we are always looking for new materials in order to inspire and encourage our students, I have decided to read through and provide a thorough review of this book. ...continue reading "Blueprint for Success in College and Career: A Book Review"