If you have a website hosted on Blogger, Tumblr, or another common platform -- even another WordPress site -- it's likely you can import it into Dartmouth WordPress relatively easily. Here's how.
Month: June 2012
Announcing Dartmouth WordPress!
We are thrilled to announce the launch of Dartmouth WordPress!
WordPress is a web publishing platform that enables site builders to set up a website quickly and easily. Thus, WordPress is an excellent solution for self-authored website creation -- a void at Dartmouth until recently.
The Dartmouth WordPress service allows non-technical users to build a site on their own, manage their own users, and publish their own content. We provide a set of standard templates and plugins to customize these sites. The tool itself is maintained by Dartmouth Computing Services.
Anyone with a Dartmouth NetID may request a WordPress site (more info). However, we especially hope this tool will be used for sites that previously were not eligible for support by Web Services or Academic and Campus Technology Services. Examples might include student group websites, faculty homepages and course websites.
Dartmouth WordPress is currently a pilot project, and we're still working out the kinks. If you would like to participate as a sites.dartmouth.edu early user, please read about the project to determine if the tool is a good fit for your needs and then submit a request for your site.
We are seeking feedback on the Dartmouth WordPress service. Early participants, we'd love to hear from you, and how the experience is going. Specifically:
- Was the site request and setup process easy?
- Were the instructions on managing your site and additional help useful?
- Is there any functionality you think should be offered that isn't?
- What was especially helpful in your site setup and management?
- Does the Dartmouth WordPress service work the way you were expecting?
Any feedback would be appreciated. Please drop us a line!