The items on the checklist below will all be covered in your training for work at Paddock.
Student Assistant Checklist
Circulation desk
- Check-out, Check-in
- Manual circulation
- Confidentiality
- Unregistered user
- Renew, Too many renewals
- Fines Hold, recall, missing
- Search/ Holds
- Sensitize, desensitize
- Log on to ALMA
- Hold shelf
- DartDoc, Borrow Direct
- Headphones, y-adapters, remotes, external drives, laptop chargers, usb cables
- Request item from Storage now called DLD – Dartmouth Library Depository
- Telephone etiquette
- Media Room
- Reserve: loan periods, fines, Course Reserves online, eReserves
- Statistics: in house use – “Count Use”
- Food and drink policy, laptops and headphones
- Desk Tracker
- Paddock Student Assistant Manual online
Stacks Maintenance and Patron Assistance
1. Operating the moveable stacks, safety bar
2. Shelving
- Reference
- Collected Works, oversize Collected Works
- Journals on display
- Books and journals
- Oversize books and journals
- Oversize and miniature scores
- Scores
- Compact discs
- Videotapes, DVDs
- Audiotapes
- Vinyl also referred to as LPs – now all in Storage Library now called DLD or Dartmouth Library Depository.
- Theses
3. Shelving skills/ handling materials
- LC Easy shelving tutorial
- Shelf reading, shifting
- Care and Handling of Library Materials
4. Serials Room (Hart-Grinnell Audiovisual Center)
- Use of the listening equipment
- Music software
- VHS and DVD players
- Selected journals on display
5. Learning Studio Study Room
- Beginning of CDs and remaining VHS tapes
6. GreenPrint/Photocopier/Scanner
- GreenPrint cards, tethered scanning card
- Paper jam
- Adding paper
7. Reference computers
- Searching music in the library catalog, Paddock Library webpage, Research guide, Summon, Databases, Patron Account Login
8. Scores on cd roms
9. Closing procedures
10. Emergency procedures, evacuate the library, staff telephone numbers
11. Accessibility for the disabled
Other Information
1. Payroll
- Kronos time card – must sign in and out for each shift
- Job # in Kronos; pay scale/job
- Each pay period = two weeks; Paid Friday following each pay period
- If any problems, notify the student supervisor
2. Bulletin board
- Telephone numbers for students and staff
- Weekly schedule sheets
3. Punctuality
- Lateness, notify all Paddock staff
- Work as a team, flexible, substituting for each other
- Missing a shift three times may be terms for dismissal