We check out Borrow Direct, Interlibrary Loan and DartDoc – or Document Delivery – items on ALMA the same way we do Dartmouth Library items.
- When a Borrow Direct (BD) or Interlibrary Loan (ILL) book requested by a Dartmouth patron from another university arrives here in Paddock via courier, check the item in and then place it on the Hold shelf. The patron’s name will be on the BD or ILL bookband and the patron will receive a notice via email that the item is ready for pick up.
- When the patron comes to pick up the item, scan the Dartmouth barcode that is on the Borrow Direct or Interlibrary Loan book band on the front of the item to check it out. (see band examples below)
- When the item is returned, check it in, print a slip when prompted, place the slip in the item and put it in the crate for courier pick up. It will be delivered to the main Borrow Direct/ DartDoc office in Baker /Berry.