The loan periods and subsequent due dates vary for Paddock Library patrons depending on material type and patron status. In some cases Music Faculty and Music Graduate students have longer loan rules. There is a handy loan period matrix on the circulation front desk.
- Undergrads can borrow books and scores for 120 days and CDs and DVDs for 7 days. They will receive a courtesy date due notice 2 days before their items are due.
- Graduate students may borrow books and scores for 120 days and CDs and DVDs for 7 days with the exception that Music Graduate students can take out CDs for 28 days.
- Music and other faculty may borrow books for 1 year and CDs and DVDs for 28 days. Exception: Other faculty have DVDs for 1 week.
- The total number or check out limit for CDs is 10 and for DVDs is 5.
- For more about borrowing privileges see: