Reserve books, scores and media are located behind the circulation desk. Students may check out a maximum of 3 reserve items at one time. The loan period for these items will show in ALMA when you check them out. They are usually 2 hour loans, but may be 24 hour or 4 hour. The Reserve fines are $1.00 per hour during the term. This is raised to $5.00 per hour during reading period and exam time.
- If a patron checks out a Reserve book less than 2 hours before closing, the item is due the next day, one hour after opening.
- Books and scores that are on Reserve may leave Paddock, but media that are on Reserve must be used in the Library.
- Patrons can search Course Reserves online through the Library catalog to see what items are on Reserve and whether they are checked out and when they are due back.
- Students should also check the Course Media Gallery link on their professor’s Canvas site for digitized and streaming reserve materials.